Latest Version v1.3.1
- Announce restarts gracefully to players and offer rewards for reconnecting within a specified timeframe.
- Setup multiple scheduled restart times for each day of the week.
- Rewards Support: Add Kits, Server Rewards, Economics, or a list of items as a reward. Or all of them!
- Set up as many permission based reward tiers as you need.
Customizable Discord Webhook Support:
(Optional) Discord Messages – Enables discord webhook support.
(Optional) Server Rewards – Offer users RP for reconnecting.
(Optional) Economics – Offer users tokens for reconnecting.
(Optional) Rust Kits – Offer users kits for reconnecting.
Not using an economics plugin? You can setup item rewards instead.
restarter start <Countdown seconds (Optional)>
– Manually start the timed restart.
restarter cancel
– Cancels the restart.
restarter now
– Restarts the server instantly.
restarter time
– Displays the servers local time. Useful for setting scheduled restarts.
– Grants access to the restarter console commands above.
You can create add/remove unlimited permission tiers for the rewards after connecting:
{ "Reward Settings (Highest to lowest rank)": [ { "Required Permission": "", "RP Reward (ServerRewards)": 0, "Economy Reward (Economy)": 25000.0, "Kit Reward (Kits)": "", "Item Rewards (": [ { "Item Shortname": "hmlmg", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Item Amount": 128, "Item Skin ID": 0 } ] }, { "Required Permission": "", "RP Reward (ServerRewards)": 0, "Economy Reward (Economy)": 10000.0, "Kit Reward (Kits)": "", "Item Rewards (": [ { "Item Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Item Amount": 128, "Item Skin ID": 0 } ] }, { "Required Permission": "restartrewards.default", "RP Reward (ServerRewards)": 0, "Economy Reward (Economy)": 5000.0, "Kit Reward (Kits)": "", "Item Rewards (": [] } ] }
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