Latest Version v1.1.9
✅ Stable, Last Update was on July 6, 2024
- Runs server commands (RCON) when a user interacts with an entity.
- Supports cooldowns between uses.
- Set multiple commands per deployable.
- Supports buttons, switches, thrown explosives/signals, and any deployable with storage.
- Great for events or to run commands on users.
/addcommand "RCON command"
– Adds a command to the entity in view.
/addcommand "say {username} just tried to open the chest!"
– Announces the message when someone interacts.
/addcommand "oxide.usergroup add {userID} VIP"
– Adds the user to the VIP group.
/addcommand "backpacks.give {userID}"
– Gives the user a backpack.
– Grants access to the chat command /addcommand
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