Latest Version v2.5.0
- Empower Your Moderators: Allow your mods to mute players using predefined reasons directly from the configuration.
- Automate Penalties: Mute durations are automatically adjusted based on the player’s infraction history for each reason.
- All-in-One Moderation: Combine manual mutes, player warnings, and automatic chat filtering in a single plugin.
- Anonymous Broadcasts: Your moderators can message the entire chat anonymously as [Chat Moderator]. (See image below)
- Optional Logging: Enable logging of all moderator actions to a file and/or console for review.
Easy player search with names or Steam IDs:
Moderators can choose predefined reasons or warn the player:
Mute confirmation window:
Unmute players or view their mute history:
Anonymous moderator message broadcasts:
(Required) Image Library – Make sure to enable player avatars in the image library config.
(Optional) Better Chat – Better chat support.
(Optional) Discord Messages – Send mutes/unmutes to discord via webhook.
(Optional) Info UI – Integrate with Info UI:
– Opens the UI.
/mute "Player name/ID" "Reason"
– Directly mute a player.
/unmute "Player name/ID"
– Directly unmute a player.
/mod "Message to broadcast"
– Broadcasts a message anonymously to chat as [Chat Moderator]. (Configurable)
mute "Player name/ID" "Reason"
– Directly mute a player from Console/RCON.
unmute "Player name/ID"
– Directly unmutes a player from Console/RCON.
mod "Message to broadcast"
– Broadcasts a message anonymously to chat as [Chat Moderator]. (Configurable)
– Wipes all player infraction data.
chatmodplus.clear "Player name/ID"
– Wipes a single players infraction data.
– Required to use /mute
,/unmute "Player name/ID"
, and /mod "Message to broadcast"
– Required to use data wipe and clear commands.
– Users with this permission cannot be muted.
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